Wednesday, March 23, 2005


Just under ten and a half hours to go until Wharton releases R2 decisions, and I'm feeling eerily calm and at peace. Probably because I'm fortunate enough to already have a very pretty bird in hand that I like an awful lot. I recognize that that has much to do with my current mental state. I have no expectations for tomorrow. I feel like I submitted a strong application, that I had a good interview, and that my profile is competitive, but this is the MBA admissions process so it could go either way. Not sure what my reaction will be. If I'm dinged, I'll be bummed, but I think I'll also be relieved that I can finally make a formal decision about where I'll be spending the next two years kinda by default. Bruised ego, but an easy decision. If I'm admitted, the next question will there any money involved, and if so, how does the offer measure up to Chicago's? However, I don't want to make this sound like a purely financial decision. It is but one factor. I feel very strongly about Chicago and it will take something special to turn my head. After my two recent trips (to Philly for my interview, then to Chicago for the admit weekend), I have to say I felt a much stronger connection to the community of the GSB and there are specific things I like about Chicago that you can't find at Wharton. I've been working on a pro/con list, and if I'm admitted I'll share it tomorrow.

Pleasant dreams and best wishes to all my fellow Wharton R2 applicants.


Dave for MBA said...

My fingers and feet are crossed with you!

Anonymous said...

Oooh.. All the Best for u!!! Lucky, u get to sleep & I am at work... :-)

Anonymous said...

All the best. Hope we get the see the pros and cons.

Anonymous said...

Best of luck to you!!! I must say though, I'm jealous! I was waitlisted @ Chicago. I grew up in the city and would love to return for 2 yrs. I also felt a much greater connection to the GSB than to Wharton.'s all about where you are admitted. It will be a very tough choice. Maybe I'll see you at Wharton next year! We can talk about Seattle and I can get you to realize that the UW is the best school in the PacNorWest!!!

PowerYogi said...

Good luck, Wakechick.