Thursday, January 04, 2007

The best argument AGAINST a playoff for college football

I loved the craziness of the Fiesta Bowl as much as any true football fan, but I have to say I agree with Chuck Klosterman: just say no to a college football playoff.

Oh, and happy 2007! I'm sure I will be the last blogger on earth to do a "reflections on 2006" post, but I promise I'll get around to it sooner or later.


Iday said...

A very happy new year to you too, albeit a bit late :)

If you're wondering who this random guy is, this is a R1 admit to the GSB class of 2009 :)

KV said...

Great article and I agree with him to a certain extend. I personally think +1 is the way to go. That way we still keep the bowl games excitement and give another team a change to fight for #1. The problem with this year is who do you give this chance to? USC? Boise State?

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